The global streaming platform, now known as “Max”, owned and marketed by Warner Bros. Discovery
App Store / Google Play Store App Images
App Store images created for the Apple iOS / iPadOS / tvOS App Stores and the Google Play Store (also in multiple languages).
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Homepage Brand Hubs Redesign
A module on hbomax.com homepage for sharing brand hub content.
A user clicks a brand hub image on the homepage and is taken to its corresponding brand page for more detail.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Homepage Brand Hubs 2.0
Second version of a module on the hbomax.com homepage for sharing brand hub content. This version is an interactive image carousel.
A user clicks the brand pills to display titles from the corresponding brand.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Homepage Awards Section
A module on the hbomax.com homepage during awards season, featuring available titles which had won Academy Awards.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Episode Detail Streaming Modal
A modal that could get prospective users into the sign up flow via a “Series” page.
A prospective user would click an episode thumbnail in hopes of watching, but is shown this sign up modal . Clicking CTA enters them into the Sign Up flow.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Optimized Feature & Series Pages
A redesign of the “Features” and “Series” pages to reduce complexity, allowing for ease of use and discovery.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Hero Redesign on Series & Feature LPs
New hero images for the “Series” and “Features” landing pages that could show multiple titles and value props.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Homepage Content Modals
New content tiles on the hbomax.com homepage that trigger pop-up modals to display title information.
This was a new approach for getting users to enter content categories from the homepage. Needed to be more eye catching and easier to click.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer
Plan Summary in Sign Up / Payment Flow
A banner at the top of the page showing elected plan information in the purchase flow.
Showing the elected plan summary when going through the purchase flow made it clearer to the user which plan was being purchased.
Role - Creative direction, art direction, designer